successes and disasters and argues her case for fancy dress.
Halloween. The word conjures up fear in most of us, although possibly not for the usual reasons, as the years of wearing those embarrassing and questionable parent-chosen costumes are over (I hope)! Now, we have to create unique costumes ourselves, but unfortunately ghosts of English essays will haunt you way past the 31st, so minimal effort is definitely necessary. Halloween is the only time of the year you can legitimately dress up in something crazy, weird and scary, so what better excuse to go all out?

Clichéd costumes are equally loved and hated, as they never fail to look great; dead schoolgirls or boys, mummies and vampires are all timelessly brilliant. Let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to rip up their school clothes and rebel? Of course, I have seen my fair share of M&S shirts and decidedly fake blood splatters, but you can’t help loving the feeling of rebellion it provokes.

A vampire never fails to look bloody brilliant, and going
super traditional will take a bite out of the opposition. Deathly pale skin, dressing in black, and slicking back your hair is a winning combination, and will turn a few necks. Adding some sparkly hairspray will catch the light, but isn’t so good if you are real because of the whole allergy thing.
super traditional will take a bite out of the opposition. Deathly pale skin, dressing in black, and slicking back your hair is a winning combination, and will turn a few necks. Adding some sparkly hairspray will catch the light, but isn’t so good if you are real because of the whole allergy thing.

For many, Halloween costumes are a chance to escape the usual uniform of jeans and a top, and become someone or something completely unlike your normal self. Vigorously smearing on the face paint or wildly flicking the fake blood around sparks the addictive confidence that comes with wearing a costume. You aren’t trying to look flawless; instead you are celebrating the dark, sunken eyes, gruesome cuts and messy hair which brings unfamiliar freedom to the self-conscious. After all, that bright eyed excitement everyone has when glimpsing each-other transformed into demons, ghouls or monsters is completely unique to one night of the year; All Hallow’s Eve.
By Bella Baillie
By Bella Baillie
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